Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (TV Series 2009–2010) Poster

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A review from an NOT anime fan.
cajucaipira18 October 2022
I'm not gonna lie, I don't like animes, seriously since I was a child I never feel any type of interesting from Naruto or Dragon Ball, but this one, oh boy he really put the bar on a really high standard.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is an anime that you can enjoy even without like animes(he really resembles the Avatar for me) the story is so well written I'm impressed with the alchemy a how close is from the actual alchemy, the animation is great, soundtrack is good and after the episode 19 I'm could force me stop watching, the plot is so entertaining that when i finished the last episode my spirit was elevated to the maximum.

While I don't know much of other animes this one is really impressive I definitely recommend.
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So well executed
bestaloouc9 August 2022
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is amazing, I love every minute, the characters are great all of them receive a nice development, the voice acting is amazing too both dub and sub are great, animation and the choreography are awesome.

This is perfect series for anime and mainstream fans, just watch.
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The best reboot
babydobabylo2 August 2022
Fullmetal Alchemist was originally made in 2003 and after 6 years he received one remake following the original Manga.

While the first couple of episodes are done better in the original after the 12 episode the anime just blow up in one of the best writing adventure and history I ever seen. Every character receive a time to shine and the animation is fantastic even after 10 years.

You probably gonna love this.
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No complaints, seriously. FANTASTIC.
Carnivorous14 July 2012
Let's make one thing clear before I start this review, I have no experience with the previous incarnation of Fullmetal Alchemist. This series was my first foray into the world of FMA, & I must say, it is VERY excellent.

First off, the series has a huge cast of interesting & unique characters. They are each quite different from each other, and act in different ways. The way the series elegantly manages all the character's developments and story lines is a feat in itself. The series also has a fantastically crafted plot, filled with action, humor, & tragedy. Despite its mainstream appeal, it still maintains a mature tone that really grabs you.

The animation & art is top notch. You won't be getting any poorly edited sequences or grotesque looking art. The production values are great. I watched the series with the English voice track, and the dub did quite a good job. No complaints there. The soundtrack is excellent as well, particularly the opening & closing sequences that accompany each episode.

It goes on for some 64 episodes, & maintains your attention the entire time. It even manages to close everything up in a satisfying manner. A fantastic series. This show will make you laugh, cry, and even get angry a few times.

Loved it.
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Surpasses the original in almost every way
Uncle_father_oscar23 June 2012
This review is mainly meant for anyone who watched Fullmetal Alchemist and is either considering Brotherhood, has watched a few episodes and not liked it, or has read one of the negative reviews and was put off.

When I first heard about Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, I was skeptical. Seeing as the original Fullmetal Alchemist is the first anime I have ever completely watched and is the spark that ignited my obsessive love of anime that I have today, a redo seemed unnecessary to say the least. What could possibly be improved upon a show as fantastic as Fullmetal Alchemist?

With hesitation and doubt in my heart I started watching the series... and instantly hated it. I won't lie, my first impressions were not only that the show didn't live up to the original, but that it was also an abomination that was dancing on the grave of a greater show.

I cried, I screamed, I broke things, I didn't do any of the above because I'm exaggerating and not actually crazy, but I was still quite upset. The criticisms bubbled up inside me until I was frustratingly glaring at the TV appalled at such changes as Alphonse's voice actor, or a lack of the opening starting with the classic "in those days, we really believed..." lines from Al.

With each passing episode the insults to Fullmetal Alchemist seemed to grow, episodes that were lovingly crafted in the original series were apparently being lightly brushed on. Moments in the original that got me hooked fell flat in Brotherhood, and I was fed up and ready to write the letter of complaint to end all letters of complaint. But then, my eyes began to open.

Right around episode 13 where the plot of the two animes separates I started to think that this story might actually be good. As the episodes began to fly I realized that it wasn't good, it was great. After finishing the series I knew without a doubt in my mind that what I had witnessed was my favorite anime of all time. The story of Brotherhood is better than that of the original on so many levels that the two shows truly don't compare. After having my eyes opened I was forced to drop the rating that I gave to the original to an 8 simply because now I knew how much lost potential it had.

If you enjoyed the story of Fullmetal Alchemist, stick with Brotherhood and I guarantee you that you will not regret it. Not only is the plot and storyline vastly improved upon and more satisfying, the animation, music (in my opinion at least, some disagree), characters, and overall feel is far better.

Therefore, if you are a true fan of the original series don't give up on Brotherhood after only a few episodes like I was so tempted to do, it is a show that grows into something that will go down in history as one of the greats of animation history and you shouldn't miss out.
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This series teaches a class on how to count a story
miguelpassador4 July 2022
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is a masterpiece, it's one of the best series of all time and definitely the best animation I ever watched.

Great action, voice acting and amazing animation. And the philosophy about this show is very powerful.

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Just might be the perfect mainstream series
cadillac207 December 2009
Fullmetal Alchemist is, in a way, unique. It is very much a mainstream series, with the appeal of a huge cast of unique characters, action that commonly involves special powers, a fairly straight forward story with some mostly obvious symbolism, and a mix of comedy, action, drama, and even some romance. These are all common staples of long running anime series that lean towards a more commercial and public appeal. And yet, for a mainstream series, it manages to continually surprise with a very mature and serious tone. There is a great deal of tragedy and some moments are even frightening and memorable. Few series achieve such a perfect balance of mainstream entertainment and gut wrenching drama and tragedy.

Such was what I discovered when I first laid my eyes on the original FMA series. And yet, for all it's greatness, it began to flounder in it's second season. As many series do, it took on its own form and story, and it was at that point that it started to lose its charm. So, Bones did the smart thing. They remade it. For most series, this would be pointless, but for FMA, it's very much welcome. Five years after the original series ended and the manga has had time to grow, this new FMA is better looking, paced better, and follows the manga, expanding the plot in a better direction.

It's hard not to like anything about this new FMA. The action is fantastic and looks great, as it always did. We aren't subjected to single shots or poorly edited sequences. All the action is displayed and wonderfully animated. Likewise, all the charm is here as well, from the more serious scenes that fans will remember to the humor which is consistent and still funny. Bones took everything good about the original series and threw out all the bad, replacing those particulars with higher quality details. In a sense, it even feels like a new anime, and by episode 13, it has gone in a completely new direction.

A better developed story and characters, superior animation, and fantastic details. These are what make the new FMA an instant new-age classic. Like FMA was the first time around, the new FMA will be one of the top anime to watch out for in the states.
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Truly one of the best Anime series that I've ever watched
ICtolic1818 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009) tells the story of two brothers, named Edward and Alphonse Elric, who want to restore their bodies after a failed transmutation attempt. Both the direction and the way the story is told are very captivating and exciting to see and feel than in the original version.

Edward and Alphonse are the extremely likable heart and souls of the show. I immediately fell in love with both of them from the beginning of the series. They share with us great character development, as well as to never give up on achieving their goals and fulfilling their promises, especially Ed.

But not only them are the great piece of the cake. There are also many lovable characters who you will root for them immensely, even for the villains, and greatly appreciate when the good guys win a fight. You will support them to the point when you miss them when they will walk away.

There are some great action scenes with a nice blend of alchemy and usual hand-to-hand combat. There are also comedy, drama, some slice-of-life, and even romance moments. I agree, there are some dark scenes when you are horrified, scenes when your guts are wrenched and you cry, and scenes that will make you laugh out loud many times.

Also, it sticks more faithfully to the manga series and adds more philosophical features. Especially Ed's iconic line in the final episode was immensely satisfying to me, which adds a special moment that I will never forget.

Overall, it's a masterpiece and one of the best anime experiences that I have ever felt. This anime will forever be memorable and awesome to me, especially with the great intros and outros that make a very nice feel to the show. If you want an anime with a fast pace, engaging story, great characters, awesome fights, balanced hilarious and emotional moments, and an amazing soundtrack that will keep you off your feet, this show is a MUST-WATCH.
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I feel like my spirit is elevated after having just finished the last episode.
bandoolero8 October 2013
I've seen this show recommended by many sources. Finally I decided to watch it.

At first I was kinda disappointed. The first few episodes didn't make a huge impression on me. But as the story progressed and I got to know more and more fantastically written characters, the backstory started to unfold and alchemy expanded, it just got better and better.

At a point I suddenly found myself addicted to the show. When one episode finished, I immediately started playing the next.

The story deals with morally heavy themes. There is some seriously dark stuff in there. But there is also light. Once you experience terrible things in this show, it is truly cathartic to see some hearthwarmingly good things unfold as well.

This show will make you feel very deep feelings. I have to admit to be crying at some points. It is a true roller-coaster.

You will get so attached to the characters that after the series is over you will seriously miss them. That is a quality of a great show.

The scope of the story is bigger than anything I have ever seen before (no joking, the stakes are bigger than in any other fantasy / sci-fi).

You will find yourself truly rooting for the good guys, worrying about them, and cheering when they seem to succeed in combat against a foe.

If you want to be amazed, addicted, emotionally lifted, press the start button on this show.
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I can't believe that took me so long to watch this
fernandemig17 October 2022
"Shounen" is usually described as being an uninspired genre made for kids, with sub-par watered-down thematic execution and repetitive plot elements.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood kills all these notions, it was the grandness a shounen has,but also has the thematic and philosophical crux, which the traditional "edgy series" have. The characters grow and develop, the cast is amazing and also is one of the rare Shounens anime that have indeed good female characters, story started simple but grows in a amazing and addictive way. Is smart without being overly dumb, it's a TRUE package that anyone cam enjoy.
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The Best Anime Ever
ppochlon0320 July 2011
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, I think is the best anime ever made.

First of all the the voice cast were chosen to perfection every voice portrays the character as who the were meant to be.

Secondly The Storyline was so well written compared to the first series. story flows wonderfully as we witness the journey the characters take and the many twists and turns that occur.

Characterization was also excellent. once again I will mention the voices but also the way characters interact with the complex guidelines of the world they inhabit.

And lastly the animation is very fluid no cheap faraway shots where the characters are talking but not moving which is used commonly(see Neon Genesis Evangalion).

I will finish by saying that if you are going to watch one anime in the entirety of your life time Choose Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood.
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Losing my interest about halfway through, but -did- enjoy it.
therskybznuiss29 April 2021
It's waring on my patience, the more character's that get introduced, the pointless conversations, -completely- pointless sub-plots. It feels like a lot of this show is either localized in an incredibly contrived way, or there's quite a lot of filler.

Still, I really enjoyed the first 2 seasons (or Parts as Netflix is calling them) and due to the love this series has gotten I'll keep trying to watch. Not a -true- anime fan - I like Bebop, NG:E, Akira, took the chance on this and loved the charm and bounciness of the the plot of this show. I'll edit this if my opinon changes in some major way.
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f-chris30 December 2019
I just can't get why people love this series so much?

I watched the original series as well, and this also. I loved the original and everyone told me this is way better.

All I see there is cheap animation (still frames all the time for minutes), music without any emotions, fast shots, each dramatic moment just screwed up by bad decisions like chibi animation and funny music. It kills the mood all the time.

The characters making silly decisions, everyone is brainless. I feel I do not care anyone, the whole story is just kids play, without emotional struggles. It has no weight after all. At the end I felt I do not care who will win, what will happen, because it is happening because the heroes just screwed things up, so it is the minimum that they will fix it. Each character is the same mass without any characteristics (only a few exceptions).

I really tried to like this, I have seen many anime worse than this but I can rate it just as "meh..".
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TripHawkin13 October 2022
I have seen the entirety of the Full Metal Alchemist series that was produced in 2004. The series has a sizable cast which are unique and interesting in their own way. They all have specific characteristics which make them stand out from each other and sometimes oppose each other with their philosophies. This series does things that may others attempt to do. They manage to develop the characters and their story lines in a very beautiful manner. This series has one of the best plots that I have ever witnessed with just the right amount of action, humour and tragedy all excellently blended together to create a plot that keeps you wanting more from start to finish.
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It's better than the OG one? yes but some flaws too still 8/10
ahsanejaz75620 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First I agree the original one didn't have it's storyline on the right path and made up the story without any context. However the brotherhood remake dealt with the story very well and the animation is on point. Tho there were still moments that were kinda turn offs. Like WINRY SAN popping up at a fight every time Elric brothers were involved. It literally made no sense and happened like frequently through out the show. Her character made the Elric brothers handy capped every time they were on verge of achieving some thing. On the other hand I loved the introduction of eastern Alchemy and new countries like Xing. The global map was extended in this remake whereas previously the story was mostly set in central or Resembool. However, this story still had loopholes but overall turned out better than the original hagane no renkin jujitsu!
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A Fantastic Reboot
garethwatkin14 April 2009
Having been an avid fan of the first Fullmetal Alchemist series, i was highly apprehensive on hearing about this reboot, but the more i found out about the series, the more excited i became. I've always been a fan of the Manga, and the new series is being based completely of the manga storyline. This had be hooked, so i waited nervously for the first episode.

The new series features better artwork that resembles Arakawa's style more closely than the last series. There is more humour, especially Ed transmuting a spear-head into his face. There is a new soundtrack, which admittedly, at times doesn't work greatly, but with some getting used too, i'm sure it will grow on me. Overall, i feel this series is a fantastic reboot, and is verging on turning Fullmetal Alchemist into the series it should always have been.
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Pretty much the best show made in the history of mankind
Kentvaroy17 September 2010
Ill explain why this is the best series ever made and why i feel worthy of judging that.

*Note that English isn't my native tongue* I've been addicted to series for like... forever. I could probably list at least 50 full series I've seen from all kinds.

If i told myself 10 years ago or so that the best series i would ever see was an Anime i wouldn't have believed it.

This series made me laugh out loud, cry and bring up pretty much every part of human emotion possible. The characters and story are pretty much flawless and there is little to none loose ends. There isn't a "stormy" story curve as many series suffer from - where the intro - mid part or ending is to short , to long or rushed. The pace through the entire anime is good.

The series does not suffer either from things like to slow riddles-to-answers rate (Lost *cough*) or to fast story.

All characters are developed in a brilliant way through the series.

Of all movies and shows I've seen in my lifetime - if i would have to recommend one single series to someone it would be this one without hesitation.

If i had an enemy i hated in real life more than anything - even i wouldn't be so cruel as to deny that person to see this show. I could deny them food instead and it would be merciful. Thats how good this show is.

One thing that was a major concern early on was that this show would be to childish and silly. Don't be deceived, it is very mature and some elements are even horrifying.

This is one of the only shows I've ever seen, where i haven't been able to personally come up with better ideas on how to make it.


See it.

I also recommend original Japanese voices with English text for best experience.
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Equivalent Exchange - Give time to watch = Pleasure out of it
spookycostume20 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers

This is a bit of a spoiler.

Hey, my names Ron and i'll be talking a bit about FMA: brotherhood. I don't usually watch animes because I have grown out of them. Out of boredom, I decided to watch both FMA and FMA: Brotherhood and I must say, it was a pleasure.

FMA(original) had an unique storyline and ending. The story did not follow the manga towards the later part of the series. I felt the story mainly focused on finding the philosopher stone. Along the way, viewers get to see a stronger connection between Al and Ed. There was also more emphasis on Scar and the Homunculi's life and experiences. They barely touch upon Hohenheim (Ed and Al's dad) which I thought had a large role in the story. I got a bit bored of the story towards the end because it got confusing and didn't seem to flow properly. The ending was unique and good, but it did not satisfy viewers and it was kind of a cliff hanger even if you watched the movie. 8/10

FMA: Brotherhood followed the manga, and it seemed to aim more towards "mainstream" animes. FMA: Brotherhood had several reoccurring voices, like Edward, Winry, and Roy Mustang, but it also lost some old voices such as Alphonse and Scar. It took some time to get over Al, but eventually it was fine. With the award-winning cast and some new additions, they improved from the original a lot. The relationship between Ed and Al was implied, so they focused on their relationship between other characters. They also didn't focus on Edward 100% of the time (IMO, Ed was in like every scene in original). Instead, they gave Alphonse a lot of solo missions (and a bigger role), developed a new character named Greed/Lin, developed many other characters and had LESS EMPHASIS on the philosopher stone. Winry and Ed, Xing and Ling, Mai Chang and Al, Roy and Riza had they're moments, if you know what I mean. Hohenheim(Elric) had a MUCH BIGGER role in this than the original which was definitely nice to see. Given six years and a manga to follow, they cut out a lot of fillers and improved from the original. The ending was very satisfying compared to the original even though it was more cliché. 11/10

Episodes 0-30 Original was better imo. It was more detailed and darker.

Episodes 30-64 Brotherhood no doubt was better. Even though, brotherhood didn't have a great start, it definitely picked it up towards the end. A huge variety of new characters, better character development and a stronger plot to follow.

Characters - Original VS Brotherhood

Ed - Brotherhood. Winry and Ed = GG

Al - Brotherhood. More independent and interesting

Winry - Brotherhood. In a lot more episodes...too bad they didn't kiss

Scar - Brotherhood. Glad he helped. Didn't like him rebellious.

Greed/Ling - Brotherhood. He was BA

Roy - Brotherhood. Even more BA than before.

Riza - Brotherhood. More involved.

Roy's Team - Brotherhood. Sad and Happy things happen.

Hohenheim - Brotherhood. HAD IMPORTANCE IN THE STORY.

Fuhrer Bradley - Brotherhood. ACTUALLY FOUGHT

Pinako - Brotherhood.

Shou Tucker - Brotherhood. Glad hes gone.

Yoki(mustache dude) - Brotherhood. He was like Hercule in DBZ

Lust - Original. I missed her.

Envy - Original. Hated both characters

Gluttony - Original. Showed more emotion, rather than go maniacal.

Louis Armstong - Original. He was annoying, but he got owned in FMA:B

Hughes - Original.

Izumi Curtis - Original. Was a lot darker and sadder.

Marcoh - Original. I hated him. Should've gotten rid of him in FMA:B.

Rose - Original. She was brown.

Bigger roles were played better in Brotherhood.

Viewers should definitely watch both because they are great. I found brotherhood to be better because of its stronger plot, improved and vast character development, and definitive ending. FMA offered a darker, more linear sort of story and brotherhood offered colorful and satisfying story.

FMA:Brotherhood has a movie that out in Japan so far. It isn't a sequel unfortunately and it would probably be better than the originals. Make sure to vote on FMA:Brotherhood to show people how amazing it is.

Thanks for reading, Ron.
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Such a Great Amime, it is a must watch series
tmilom9915 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I really loved the original FMA series and was really skeptical about watching this series. I just fell that the original series was so good that a new one was unnecessary. When I read that Brotherhood was all based on the Manga, I decided to give it a try, because the FMA began as a manga after all, I felt that I should watch the "real" story.

In the beginning I felt like I was watching the same story, but things were happening at a much faster pace. Then the whole story just went to a place that I could not imagine (which was good), and after awhile, I just realized that this series was so much better than the original series. That is a huge statement for me, because I have seen a decent amount of anime, and felt that the original FMA was second only to DeathNote.

I loved how there were new characters (along with old ones that I loved)in this series and felt that because the series was not simply based on getting a philosophers stone, but really thwarting the evil plot of the villains it was a better story. Everything meshed so great and the back stories on Van Hoenhiem were excellent. The one bad thing about the story was they never said how the Dwarf in the Flask was created. I really liked this little villain and was interested in his origins a lot.

With that being said, if you are looking for superb animation and story line, with drama, action, comedy, and a little bit of everything else, then I urge you to watch this series and the original FMA series. I think that this version is better than the original and DeathNote. It's really because of the way the story ends, which I will not spoil, but I will say that it is a true ending and we don't have to wait for Bones to make a movie to really wrap things up. Watch it and fall in love with FMA all over again.
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Best of all Anime and better than the earlier version
withlovshankar8 November 2011
I have seen both versions of Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood) and both are good. In the first version (Fullmetal Alchemist), the first half of the series is really good. The fight between Edward Elric & Roy Mustang and the State Alchemist test taken by Edward Elric are notable ones. In second half, the story takes lots of twists and turns and I find it's not as impressive as the first half.

The second version (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood) is sticking to manga and has the soul of the original story. It is an all-rounded anime with tightly knit fantastic story, humorous, action packed, dark at times and entertaining. In first half, character introduction, funny moments, action sequence, ends with almost no hope situation for our heroes. In second half, the story takes it's fast pace with more action and nail biting moments.

The decisions/resolutions taken by the Elric brothers at each step of their journey are clearly justified. All characters had their importance in the series, even the cute little panda and Yogi had their importance in moving the story forward. Usually when a character is introduced in the middle of a series, it stay far too superior/inferior to rest of the characters. But I like the way Olivier Mira Armstrong and Lin Yao gang introduced in the series.

Sometimes when I think of watching something, I start with any one particular scene in this series and ended up watching till the very end of the series. I don't remember how many times I watched it.

I have seen many anime in all genre (comedy, drama, action, adventure, thriller, slice of life, bloody ones, etc.) and in my opinion, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is the best in overall. So I give 10 out of 10.

When people asks me to suggest something to watch, I recommend this series without blinking. Either they say Animation is for kids or series are lengthy to watch without knowing how Japanese anime differs from Western animation. I would say one thing, watch at least couple of episodes and then you will understand why I recommend this series.

Suggestion: The first episode is more of an quick introduction of main casts. The actual story starts in episode 2. So it is OK to skip episode 1. Japanese audio is better than English audio.

Other suggested Animes: Cowboy Bebop, Death Note, Code Geass, Steins Gate, Hunter X Hunter, Attack on Titans, Samurai Champloo, Great Teacher Onizuka, Parasyte, One Punch Man (season 1), Boku no Hero Academia, Ghost in the shell (both movies & series, have complex plot), Shigurui (only adults, watch only if you are OK with violence & sex)
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Review from Fmab
dlmarnata3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So when I enter in the anime world, my friend recommended Fullmetal Alchemist to me, he says "oh this is easily the best action anime ever." But I watch the wrong anime lol. I love the Fullmetal Alchemist from 2003 and for some reason I was afraid to watch the Brotherhood cause, maybe too much action can ruin the philosophy of the classic, and man I'm happy to be wrong.

After some years I decided to give a try and really surprises me, and maybe it hurt me a little but is way superior than the 2003 version, but I wanna start with the problems/flaws, because doesn't exist perfect series, except mirai nikki he is perfect.

Obviously the first 10 episodes is rushed, especially compared to the classic, they probably think that everyone that decided to watch Brotherhood will first watch the classic, and this make no sense , and oh my god the first episode is horrible, with you didn't watch the classic will be a mess, the music choice is questionable in the first episodes too, aways repeated the same two tracks, and obviously the comedy, humor is very subject,the first episodes exaggerated a lot, (I think I only laugh of two jokes)even in moments when he shouldn't used, this really bothered me especially compared to the 2003 version, but fortunately the humor start disappeared takes some episodes but he "disappeared".

Now the things that this show do right, it's impressive, the storytelling is amazing after the 17 episode the anime just get better and better, the animation is amazing too, considering that it's been 13 years since the beginning of this show, the choreography of the fights is great, they start using others soundtrack, the voice acting is great in both sub and dub, and the character development is spectacular, my main issue with the classic one it's the fact that he only focus on the two main characters, and kinda forget the rest, but this one focus in every character, even the secondary have an appreciation too, the villains are great especially King Bradley, he is way more interesting than the last version.

Other things that is great is the pacing, there's no filler episode and no slow or boring episodes, and the result is 64 episodes that are enjoyable and entertaining. Even with the "shounen" energy he still can be very dark(cof cof Nina) with is really a good thing.

My favorite part is probably the conclusion, it's so well made and written that made me so happy, especially today that is kinda rare having an anime that don't disappoint in the conclusion is obviously a positive point.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is easily one of the top tier animes, I'm happy that my expectations didn't disappointed me if you are a action, adventure or even drama fan, I highly recommend this one, you probably will be satisfied.
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This anime is one of the most overrated ones
eliasaboutayehrr4 March 2022
FMA brotherhood is overrated. Dont deny it. The jokes are repetitive and cringe, and the mc is really annoying. The characters arent even well written, and the plot is not good, its decent. But this anime isn't bad. Overrated doesnt mean bad.
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The most overrated anime of all time
joshkej-840775 April 2020
I'd heard about this show for ages. Almost every anime fan around claims that it's the absolute best anime can offer. Also, as a fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender, I'd heard many saying the two were of similarly high quality. So without further hesitation, I decided to give it a shot.

After finishing it, all I can say is that I was left immensely unsatisfied and painfully disappointed. Even around the halfway mark I considered dropping it but I decided to prevail, yet my thoughts were unchanged by the end.

First off, it's characters just come across as cardboard cutouts of the typical shounen tropes. Just goofy, over the top and annoyingly ecstatic. I couldn't have cared less about the two brothers and there struggle. Other characters that are meant to be sympathetic or whose deaths are meant to be impactful are hardly spent enough time with to have any effect on the viewer. Also there are just way too many characters, and unnecessary ones at that. You just feel overwhelmed at times by how many different characters are doing different things that you end up not really caring about them or the story.

The show's tone is arguably it's biggest downfall, in my opinion. It can just never seem to establish a consistent mood. Every tragic moment, every depressing moment, every epic moment, or should I say whenever moments like these are attempted, they're ALWAYS interrupted by some form of comic relief, a silly joke or a character making a chibi face. It's like the show goes out of its way to undercut every moment of tension. It's honestly really childish and the show loses momentum because of it.

Onto the villains. They're just MEH. Dumb and incompetent when the plot needs them to be, unthreatening and lacking any depth whatsoever. Sometimes they'll go out of their way to let the heroes win, even after supposedly beating them. They're just so impersonal, and even when this is attempted, it just seems rushed and completely out of nowhere. The Big Bad is your typical over-the-top shounen villain, so no surprises or nuance there either.

As for the animation, it seems too much like a western cartoon, and it's quality can sometimes be really inconsistent. The soundtrack is neither good nor bad, just fine. None of it will stick with me. It often felt as if four or five tracks were on an endless loop to the point of annoyance.

Overall Brotherhood is not a horrible show, it's just painfully mediocre. If you're looking for a better alternative, watch the 2003 Fullmetal Alchemist, the one that every fan of Brotherhood will tell you to ignore because "it's not like the manga." but honestly what does it matter? I unfortunately listened to these people and watched Brotherhood first and then watched 2003's. Pretty much every flaw in Brotherhood was already rectified in that version. The characters are more sympathetic, there are less unnecessary supporting characters, the tone is darker and far more consistent, the humor is less ecstatic and appropriately placed and the villains are far more complex, and feel like characters rather than mindless obstacles for the heroes.
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A Well Made Story.
Leysritt23 September 2022
First let me say that the music/OSTs in this anime are just magnificent, there is not even one single bad opening! Every opening them is just so perfect that you can't stop listening to it! The background music is so goated! My favorite op is the 5th op "Rain" by SID and it's actually my all time favorite anime op, the greatest opening ever. But other than that the "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood" story about two brothers and their journey to try to get their bodies back is a perfect storytelling, with a great writing to every character and a really good characters design and a nice world building plus a fine animation. Something that I really like about this anime is that how they show you all this things about the military and how you can't trust people no matter who they are and all this thing with the dogs of the military etc... I also like the philosophy in this anime but I don't want to say too much here, so if you really wanna know what I'm talking about search on YouTube "The Philosophy of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood" there is a video there by "Wisecrack", I recommend you to watch it if you've already finished the anime.
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probably the greatest animated entertainment ever made
anthonyhorwood20 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Summary/Spoilers: FMAB is the story of two brothers; Alphonse and Edward Elric. The boys lose their mother to illness, and they try to use alchemy to bring her back. This goes horribly wrong because they neglected the basic rule of alchemy, the principal of equal exchange. To gain something from alchemy you must give something of equal value. The brothers' disastrous experiment costs Edward his left leg and Alphonse his entire body. Ed manages to affix Al's soul to a suit of armour, at the cost of his right arm and the two maimed boys are left alone to study alchemy in the hope of restoring themselves to normality.

A little while later a colonel in the military, another alchemist named Roy Mustang, invites the brothers to become State Alchemists, an offer only Edward accepts, giving them access to the enormous resources of the military that brothers hope will help them to recover their lost body parts. The brothers set off in search of the Philosopher's Stone as a means to restore their bodies. Throughout their journey, they meet allies and enemies and discover the true nature of the Philosopher's Stone, and an awful secret plan that they must fight to prevent.

Review: FMAB contains that wonderful thing, a totally original, self-consistent universe different from ours, but familiar enough not to be off-putting. The characters are all distinct, fully-formed and convincing; you will love most, hate a few and not care much one way or the other about others. The story is brilliant. It begins in a relatively small way with the brothers travails, and expands into something magnificent I will not go into.

It's mood is finely judged. There's some light comedy, some tragedy, a lot of action and something to think about, and all the while the character development is gripping. The relationships between the characters are complex and changing, and the brothers grow up during the series, adding more levels. There are those wonderful moments when you see one of the enemy attacking the wrong person and you think "That was a mistake", because the relationships are clearly enough defined that you know retribution is on its way. A lovely example is Roy Mustang, the Flame Alchemist, explaining to a homunculus that has just attacked his 'dearest subordinate' how he uses one hand for macro effects like burning an entire room and the other for pinpoint attacks, like evaporating the fluid in the hapless homunculus' eyeballs. It is the minute attention to detail, all detail, that makes this anime so special.

The graphics are excellent. I really like them for both technical quality and art. I have recently seen 'better', but that was because the goalposts moved, and techniques improved. FMAB still has 10/10 graphics.

I recommend watching in Japanese with subtitles. It's just better. The American voice actors did a good job, but it's just more characterful with Japanese voices. The voice acting is truly excellent; it's taken very seriously in Japan, and they do it very well.

As I said in the title, I think that this is probably the greatest animated entertainment ever made. If you only ever watch one anime make it this one. If you watch anime anyway and haven't seen FMAB, do so. It would be a complete waste of your life if you were hit by a meteorite before you saw it. When was the last time you saw a cartoon 25 hours long and couldn't stop watching, despite the fact that life would be somehow empty after it was over? Do yourself a favour, buy this. It's not a lot of money for the epic adventure you are about to experience. It may well be the best money you ever spent.
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